This means you won’t have to spend credits to unlock them just to try them and see what ones you like. While in these modes you will also have access to all the blasters currently available in the game. This is great because it allows you to try different combinations of star cards and traits to help you figure out what you like to use and how to use it best. This will unlock your custom star card hand to use in those levels and should net you a decent chunk of credits to help you unlock blasters and star cards for the online multiplayer. Now I’m not saying you need to go into the missions mode and beat every single battle and survival level on master difficulty without dying, but you should at least take the time to beat them on the hard difficulty.

While a lot of people were upset over the lack of a single player campaign, what we did get is a great way to experience what Star Wars Battlefront has to offer for people new to a fast paced shooter and a great way to practice with all the games items, weapons and heroes. Modes: Single-player, Co-op and Online Multiplayerīefore we even get into the nitty gritty of fighting it out online in a galaxy far, far away, we are going to take a moment and look at the much underappreciated Missions Mode of Star Wars Battlefront.

Check out my reviewfor a more indepth look at the base game, as in this article I’ll be talking more about strategies and specific weapons, items and vehicles in the game. I for one really enjoy the game and can’t wait for more as the rest of the planned updates and DLC continues to drop throughout the rest of the year. Star Wars Battlefrontreleased last fall and received mixed reviews from critics and players alike.